Daily Usenet report

Jul 21 06:15:02 -- Jul 22 06:15:02

Log entries by program:

Program nameLines%LinesSize%Size
innd 17218 36.2%2.0 MB 34.5%
nnrpd-tls 13157 27.6%1.4 MB 23.8%
inn 8403 17.6%1.3 MB 22.9%
nnrpd 4966 10.4%492.8 KB 8.3%
innfeed 3858 8.1%628.6 KB 10.5%
nocem 12 0.0%1.0 KB 0.0%
controlchan 1 0.0%0.1 KB 0.0%
TOTAL: 7 47615 100.0%5.8 MB100.0%

History cache:

Positive hits 47750 62.0%
Negative hits 21022 27.3%
Do not exist 8283 10.7%
Cache misses 13 0.0%
TOTAL: 4 77068 100.0%

INND timer:

Code regionTimePctInvokedMin(ms)Avg(ms)Max(ms)
artcncl/perl00:00:00.275 0.0%141 0.000 1.950 3.500
article cancel00:00:00.017 0.0%143 0.000 0.119 2.000
article cleanup00:00:00.267 0.0%8238 0.000 0.032 0.143
article logging00:00:00.802 0.0%8244 0.000 0.097 0.222
article parse00:00:01.142 0.0%10868 0.020 0.105 0.250
article write00:00:01.500 0.0%4327 0.000 0.347 1.235
artlog/artcncl00:00:00.001 0.0%4 0.000 0.250 1.000
artlog/artcncl/perl00:00:00.013 0.0%134 0.000 0.097 1.000
artlog/artparse00:00:00.000 0.0%1 0.000 0.000 0.000
data move00:00:00.571 0.0%78474 0.000 0.007 0.018
hisgrep/artcncl00:00:00.009 0.0%143 0.000 0.063 0.500
hisgrep/artcncl/perl00:00:00.007 0.0%51 0.000 0.137 1.000
hisgrep/perl00:00:00.003 0.0%26 0.000 0.115 1.000
hishave/artcncl00:00:00.000 0.0%4 0.000 0.000 0.000
hishave/artcncl/perl00:00:00.089 0.0%141 0.000 0.631 1.355
hishave/artparse00:00:00.000 0.0%1 0.000 0.000 0.000
history grep00:00:00.000 0.0%0 0.000 0.000 0.000
history lookup00:00:07.323 0.0%77269 0.029 0.095 0.173
history sync00:00:00.053 0.0%390 0.000 0.136 1.000
history write00:00:06.112 0.0%8224 0.444 0.743 1.062
hiswrite/artcncl/perl00:00:00.112 0.0%90 0.000 1.244 1.682
hiswrite/artparse00:00:00.001 0.0%1 1.000 1.000 1.000
idle23:55:25.639 99.6%81934 513.656 1051.159 3871.503
nntp read00:00:03.421 0.0%80639 0.013 0.042 0.076
overview write00:00:04.923 0.0%4327 0.125 1.138 23.143
perl filter00:03:59.075 0.3%7434 17.520 32.160 100.604
python filter00:00:00.049 0.0%7468 0.000 0.007 0.091
site send00:00:29.356 0.0%10377 1.021 2.829 7.123
TOTAL: 24:01:04.95424:00:20.760 99.9%----

INNfeed timer:

Code regionTimePctInvokedMin(ms)Avg(ms)Max(ms)
article new00:00:00.047 0.0%4492 0.000 0.010 0.100
article prepare00:00:00.103 0.0%21374 0.000 0.005 0.050
article read00:00:00.653 0.0%2350 0.000 0.278 22.750
backlog stats00:00:00.813 0.0%99929 0.000 0.008 0.023
callbacks00:00:00.000 0.0%0 0.000 0.000 0.000
data read00:00:02.224 0.0%59982 0.014 0.037 0.062
data write00:00:04.304 0.0%55687 0.042 0.077 0.107
idle23:54:41.635100.0%99929 221.727 861.428 3236.294
status file00:00:01.430 0.0%439 2.750 3.257 7.000
TOTAL: 23:55:02.55723:54:51.209100.0%----

nnrpd timer:

Code regionTimePctInvokedMin(ms)Avg(ms)Max(ms)
hisgrep00:00:00.011 0.0%8 0.000 1.375 2.000
idle49:04:53.170 32.6%4430 0.000 39885.591505733.500
newnews00:00:00.000 0.0%0 0.000 0.000 0.000
nntpwrite00:00:09.436 0.0%238680 0.000 0.040 1.000
readart00:00:12.519 0.0%1007 0.000 12.432 178.000
TOTAL: 150:26:52.99349:05:15.136 32.6%----

Control commands to INND:

flush 5
flushlogs 2
go 2
logmode 2
lowmark 1
mode 856
name 2
pause 2
paused 2
reload 2
reserve 2
TOTAL: 11 878

Incoming Feeds (INN):

1pasdenom-out.news.weretis.net 3 7456 1462 5617 377 19%46:48:32
2outgoing.news.lysator.liu.se 2 7297 1405 5349 543 19%23:59:33
3goja.nodns.local 11 6228 510 5254 464 8%24:28:36
4newsfeed.bofh.team 1 8067 509 6624 934 6%23:59:57
5usenet.blueworldhosting.com 718 7986 170 6371 1445 2%23:47:22
6nntp.csiph.com 1 6997 126 6826 45 1%25:25:30
7nemoweb2.nodns.local 1372 1372 59 1311 2 4%00:00:14
8news.trigofacile.com 29 460 49 410 1 10%20:24:07
9pasdenom-out.news.tnetconsulting.net 2 4226 46 4101 79 1%23:59:53
10feed.usenet-fr.net 22 1703 29 1656 18 1%24:01:02
11obelix.gegeweb.org 3 1679 20 1654 5 1%23:58:08
12localhost 51 18 18 0 0 100%00:00:01
13rasp 16 16 16 0 0 100%00:00:01
14news.izac.org 27 479 0 479 0 0%21:36:57
15news.bete-des-vosges.org 1 0 0 0 0 0%00:10:00
16news.niel.me 1 1759 0 1759 0 0%23:59:57
TOTAL: 16 2260 55743 4419 47411 3913 7%306:39:50
Articles received by server

Incoming Volume (INN):

1pasdenom-out.news.weretis.net4.5 MB0.0 KB1.6 MB6.1 MB 73%3.4 KB
2outgoing.news.lysator.liu.se3.6 MB0.0 KB1.6 MB5.2 MB 68%2.8 KB
3nntp.csiph.com2.5 MB258.3 KB529.1 KB3.2 MB 76%19.4 KB
4goja.nodns.local1.7 MB0.0 KB1.7 MB3.3 MB 50%3.5 KB
5newsfeed.bofh.team1.3 MB0.0 KB2.0 MB3.3 MB 37%2.3 KB
6usenet.blueworldhosting.com1.2 MB0.0 KB4.0 MB5.2 MB 22%3.3 KB
7pasdenom-out.news.tnetconsulting.net163.9 KB0.0 KB416.7 KB580.6 KB 28%4.6 KB
8nemoweb2.nodns.local125.5 KB0.0 KB2.3 KB127.8 KB 98%2.1 KB
9news.trigofacile.com110.6 KB0.0 KB0.8 KB111.4 KB 99%2.2 KB
10obelix.gegeweb.org60.4 KB0.0 KB12.1 KB72.4 KB 83%2.9 KB
11feed.usenet-fr.net52.9 KB0.0 KB62.8 KB115.7 KB 45%2.5 KB
12localhost43.5 KB0.0 KB0.0 KB43.5 KB100%2.4 KB
13rasp38.6 KB0.0 KB0.0 KB38.6 KB100%2.4 KB
14news.izac.org0.0 KB0.0 KB0.0 KB0.0 KB 0%0
15news.bete-des-vosges.org0.0 KB0.0 KB0.0 KB0.0 KB 0%0
16news.niel.me0.0 KB0.0 KB0.0 KB0.0 KB 0%0
TOTAL: 1615.2 MB258.3 KB11.9 MB27.4 MB 55%3.4 KB
Incoming Volume received by server

Incoming articles:

Jul 21 06:15:02 - 06:59:59 48 1.1% 0.02142.0 KB 1.1% 0.05
Jul 21 07:00:00 - 07:59:59 79 1.8% 0.02211.0 KB 1.6% 0.06
Jul 21 08:00:00 - 08:59:59 89 2.1% 0.02245.2 KB 1.8% 0.07
Jul 21 09:00:00 - 09:59:59 171 4.0% 0.05591.7 KB 4.4% 0.16
Jul 21 10:00:00 - 10:59:59 178 4.1% 0.05477.2 KB 3.6% 0.13
Jul 21 11:00:00 - 11:59:59 249 5.8% 0.07688.4 KB 5.1% 0.19
Jul 21 12:00:00 - 12:59:59 200 4.6% 0.06575.6 KB 4.3% 0.16
Jul 21 13:00:00 - 13:59:59 168 3.9% 0.05468.5 KB 3.5% 0.13
Jul 21 14:00:00 - 14:59:59 165 3.8% 0.05457.8 KB 3.4% 0.13
Jul 21 15:00:00 - 15:59:59 171 4.0% 0.05534.4 KB 4.0% 0.15
Jul 21 16:00:00 - 16:59:59 263 6.1% 0.07756.7 KB 5.6% 0.21
Jul 21 17:00:00 - 17:59:59 240 5.5% 0.07689.4 KB 5.1% 0.19
Jul 21 18:00:00 - 18:59:59 290 6.7% 0.08858.3 KB 6.4% 0.24
Jul 21 19:00:00 - 19:59:59 257 5.9% 0.07796.7 KB 5.9% 0.22
Jul 21 20:00:00 - 20:59:59 279 6.5% 0.08720.4 KB 5.4% 0.20
Jul 21 21:00:00 - 21:59:59 230 5.3% 0.06652.7 KB 4.9% 0.18
Jul 21 22:00:00 - 22:59:59 265 6.1% 0.071.1 MB 8.2% 0.31
Jul 21 23:00:00 - 23:59:59 234 5.4% 0.07805.5 KB 6.0% 0.22
Jul 22 00:00:00 - 00:59:59 249 5.8% 0.07672.0 KB 5.0% 0.19
Jul 22 01:00:00 - 01:59:59 144 3.3% 0.04547.5 KB 4.1% 0.15
Jul 22 02:00:00 - 02:59:59 111 2.6% 0.03337.0 KB 2.5% 0.09
Jul 22 03:00:00 - 03:59:59 78 1.8% 0.02271.4 KB 2.0% 0.08
Jul 22 04:00:00 - 04:59:59 79 1.8% 0.02445.1 KB 3.3% 0.12
Jul 22 05:00:00 - 05:59:59 64 1.5% 0.02271.2 KB 2.0% 0.08
Jul 22 06:00:00 - 06:15:02 24 0.6% 0.0395.5 KB 0.7% 0.11
TOTAL: 24:00:00 4325 100.0% 0.0513.1 MB 100.0% 0.16
Incoming articles
Incoming articles (size)

Sites sending bad articles:

1usenet.blueworldhosting.com 1448 236 0 0 0 0 332 0 880
2newsfeed.bofh.team 936 135 0 0 0 0 155 0 646
3outgoing.news.lysator.liu.se 543 1 0 0 0 0 62 0 480
4goja.nodns.local 484 0 0 0 0 0 204 0 280
5pasdenom-out.news.weretis.net 413 0 0 0 0 0 39 0 374
6pasdenom-out.news.tnetconsulting.net 86 0 0 0 0 0 12 0 74
7feed.usenet-fr.net 18 0 0 0 0 0 3 0 15
8obelix.gegeweb.org 6 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 6
9nntp.csiph.com 4 1 0 0 0 0 1 0 2
10nemoweb2.nodns.local 2 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 2
11news.trigofacile.com 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1
TOTAL: 11 3941 373 0 0 0 0 808 0 2760

Unwanted newsgroups [Top 20]:

free.usenet 70
org.nongnu.qemu-devel 64
linux.kernel.netdev 47
fido7.pushkin.local 40
fido7.ukrnews 21
perl.cpan 13
fido7.lorapvt.horo 12
org.xenproject.lists.xen-devel 11
org.infradead.lists.linux-nvme 10
org.kernel.vger.kvm 9
org.linux-foundation.lists.iommu 8
org.kernel.vger.linux-btrfs 6
org.kernel.vger.linux-kernel 6
fido7.f715.techinfo 6
org.kvack.linux-mm 5
linux.kernel.git 4
chmurka.misc 3
fido7.f4441.robots 3
fido7.altyn.local 3
org.kernel.vger.linux-wireless 3
TOTAL: 41 373

Unwanted sites in Path header field [Top 20]:

news.xsnews.nl 288
news.kpn.nl 195
reseller 116
sewer 111
posting.uzoreto.com 98
TOTAL: 5 808

INND Perl filter [Top 200]:

EMP (md5) 912
spam? 889
Too many newsgroups (low_xpost) 355
Too many newsgroups 304
Poison newsgroup 162
spam bad path : doctor 32
spam bad path 26
spam Subject recurrent! 20
Bad from (spam planet...) 14
Cancel of non-existing ID 5
Banned From (nobody@dizum.com) 5
spam Bad Body : spams recurrents (1) 4
Banned From (HeartDoc) 3
Supersedes of non-existing ID 2
spam SEXE!(16) 1
No Cancel-Key matches the Cancel-Lock. target=<669d74d2$0$3274$426a74cc@news.free.fr> 1
spam Phone sex 1
spam Spammeur habituel 4 1
HTML Multipart 1
Body (www.jlaforums.com/viewtopic.php) 1
TOTAL: 20 2739

NoCeM on Spool:

TOTAL: 14044

Miscellaneous innd statistics [Top 10]:

Huge articles
pasdenom-out.news.weretis.net 1
TOTAL: 1 1
Including strange strings
pasdenom-out.news.weretis.net 3
newsfeed.bofh.team 2
goja.nodns.local 1
TOTAL: 3 6
TOTAL: 2 7

Outgoing Feeds (innfeed) by Articles:

1bete-des-vosges 1480 1245 0 234 0 0 84%23:55:04
2tsukuba 966 964 0 0 0 0 99%23:53:09
3furie 3167 624 1638 1 7 5 19%23:59:53
4izac 1031 409 392 0 0 0 39%22:47:48
5lysator 3531 354 2532 0 6 1 10%23:59:25
6glou 1407 198 1142 5 0 4 14%23:58:55
7backup 1623 181 1181 0 0 9 11%23:59:05
8ortolo 1964 180 1489 0 14 29 9%23:59:05
9csiph 6317 162 3398 3 5 32 2%23:59:29
10bwh 7040 83 4215 0 0 57 1%23:59:53
11usenet-fr 1234 82 1089 11 0 0 6%23:55:03
12niel.me 1731 79 1228 53 0 7 4%23:58:02
13goja 3919 79 3728 0 0 0 2%23:58:35
14tnet 7258 75 4173 50 0 33 1%23:59:40
15gegeweb 1422 72 1265 2 0 5 5%23:59:04
16nntp4 4520 69 4196 1 1 2 1%23:59:53
17weretis.net 2560 67 2456 0 0 0 2%23:31:46
18trigofacile 436 48 385 0 0 0 11%20:02:43
19birotanews 0 0 0 0 0 404 0%23:59:53
TOTAL: 19 51606 4971 34507 360 33 588 9%449:56:25
Outgoing feeds (innfeed) by Articles

Outgoing Feeds (innfeed) by Volume:

1tsukuba3.1 MB0.0 KB3.1 MB0.0 KB/s3.3 KB23:53:09
2bete-des-vosges3.1 MB624.4 KB3.7 MB0.0 KB/s2.6 KB23:55:04
3furie1.5 MB1.1 KB1.5 MB0.0 KB/s2.5 KB23:59:53
4izac821.0 KB0.0 KB821.0 KB0.0 KB/s2.0 KB22:47:48
5lysator719.4 KB0.0 KB719.4 KB0.0 KB/s2.0 KB23:59:25
6ortolo638.2 KB0.0 KB638.2 KB0.0 KB/s3.5 KB23:59:05
7glou550.9 KB17.9 KB568.8 KB0.0 KB/s2.8 KB23:58:55
8backup354.3 KB0.0 KB354.3 KB0.0 KB/s2.0 KB23:59:05
9csiph314.0 KB9.3 KB323.3 KB0.0 KB/s2.0 KB23:59:29
10usenet-fr240.7 KB40.2 KB280.9 KB0.0 KB/s3.0 KB23:55:03
11goja189.1 KB0.0 KB189.1 KB0.0 KB/s2.4 KB23:58:35
12bwh177.3 KB0.0 KB177.3 KB0.0 KB/s2.1 KB23:59:53
13niel.me176.4 KB55.1 KB231.5 KB0.0 KB/s1.8 KB23:58:02
14nntp4167.2 KB7.7 KB174.9 KB0.0 KB/s2.5 KB23:59:53
15gegeweb160.2 KB1.9 KB162.2 KB0.0 KB/s2.2 KB23:59:04
16weretis.net158.1 KB0.0 KB158.1 KB0.0 KB/s2.4 KB23:31:46
17tnet118.9 KB108.6 KB227.5 KB0.0 KB/s1.8 KB23:59:40
18trigofacile110.3 KB0.0 KB110.3 KB0.0 KB/s2.3 KB20:02:43
19birotanews0.0 KB0.0 KB0.0 KB0.0 KB/s023:59:53
TOTAL: 1912.5 MB866.3 KB13.4 MB0.0 KB/s2.6 KB449:56:25
Outgoing feeds (innfeed) by Volume

NNRP readership statistics:

1astlambert-652-1-123-249.w90-62.abo.wanadoo.fr 37 310748.9 KB 71 9 000:06:23
2arcadix.user.local 64 186393.1 KB 57 0 007:03:03
382-64-219-111.subs.proxad.net 14 88194.4 KB 32 1 000:00:53
42a0e:e701:11f3::1 1 83100.4 KB 2 0 063:33:30
5newsportal.local 71 61126.9 KB 61 0 000:01:01
6lfbn-mon-1-430-160.w86-193.abo.wanadoo.fr 7 57115.6 KB 8 0 000:00:22
790-20-115-51.ftth.fr.orangecustomers.net 191 3569.0 KB 33 0 000:17:02
8lfbn-rou-1-771-151.w90-108.abo.wanadoo.fr 11 2661.5 KB 4 0 000:44:14
92a01:e0a:29e:5020:7412:65eb:ddf:a31a 2 2555.1 KB 9 1 026:51:22
1025.112.61.188.dynamic.cust.swisscom.net 9 1532.3 KB 8 0 000:00:34
1182.67.29.252 2 1328.9 KB 8 0 000:05:26
122a02:1210:6aec:e400:858b:6d97:8507:f59 12 1125.9 KB 4 0 004:34:19
13239.121.69.85.rev.sfr.net 1 1023.6 KB 1 0 000:00:03
142a01cb09d0238941ed84922469f72eed.ipv6.abo.wanadoo.fr 2 915.2 KB 2 0 000:00:04
152a01:e0a:941:45c0:d488:6be6:8dff:58af 39 619.4 KB 5 0 000:00:48
162a01:e0a:d58:7a0:f5a4:5b73:a52f:3141 4 47.4 KB 2 1 003:05:48
172a01:e0a:367:8b0:787d:8502:2b0d:4c12 2 24.2 KB 2 0 007:52:08
182a01:e0a:472:70f0:b579:cd51:d6a5:e516 4 13.6 KB 1 0 007:10:44
192a01:e0a:d58:7a0:bc8d:a1fd:91af:da16 1 12.5 KB 1 1 000:53:15
202a01:e0a:367:8b0:74fd:6b0:d52f:a1e 2 00.0 KB 10 0 000:00:00
21localhost 4 00.0 KB 0 4 000:00:01
TOTAL: 21 480 9432.0 MB 321 17 0150:26:20

NNRP readership statistics (by domain):

1*.w90-62.abo.wanadoo.fr 37 310748.9 KB 71 9 000:06:23
2*.user.local 64 186393.1 KB 57 0 007:03:03
3? 98 133218.5 KB 36 7 0141:43:06
4*.subs.proxad.net 14 88194.4 KB 32 1 000:00:53
5*.local 71 61126.9 KB 61 0 000:01:01
6*.w86-193.abo.wanadoo.fr 7 57115.6 KB 8 0 000:00:22
7*.ftth.fr.orangecustomers.net 191 3569.0 KB 33 0 000:17:02
8*.w90-108.abo.wanadoo.fr 11 2661.5 KB 4 0 000:44:14
9*.112.61.188.dynamic.cust.swisscom.net 9 1532.3 KB 8 0 000:00:34
10unresolved 41 1328.9 KB 8 0 000:27:56
11*.121.69.85.rev.sfr.net 1 1023.6 KB 1 0 000:00:03
12*.ipv6.abo.wanadoo.fr 2 915.2 KB 2 0 000:00:04
13*.150.216.162.bc.googleusercontent.com 1 00.0 KB 0 0 000:00:01
14*.w86-253.abo.wanadoo.fr 2 00.0 KB 0 0 000:00:02
15*.ip.linodeusercontent.com 55 00.0 KB 0 0 000:01:24
16*.monitoring.internet-measurement.com 1 00.0 KB 0 0 000:00:02
17*.stretchoid.com 1 00.0 KB 0 0 000:00:01
TOTAL: 17 606 9432.0 MB 321 17 0150:26:20

NNRP total resource statistics [Top 20]:

2a0e:e701:11f3::1 9.311 7.638 0.02063:33:30
2a01:e0a:29e:5020:7412:65eb:ddf:a31a 1.169 0.488 0.02026:51:22
2405:9800:bcc0:497:7c2d:d832:101e:719f 0.661 0.078 0.01011:49:52
2a01:e0a:367:8b0:787d:8502:2b0d:4c12 1.055 0.152 0.02007:52:08
2a01:e0a:472:70f0:99c:c548:7518:1c25 6.855 0.408 0.10007:41:12
2a01:e0a:472:70f0:b579:cd51:d6a5:e516 2.805 0.202 0.04207:10:44
arcadix.user.local 28.181 4.296 0.63607:03:03
2a01:e0a:bc7:5450:6324:b466:d672:e323 4.862 0.256 0.08505:01:30
2a02:1210:6aec:e400:858b:6d97:8507:f59 8.958 0.767 0.12204:34:19
2a01:e0a:d58:7a0:f5a4:5b73:a52f:3141 1.655 0.297 0.03903:05:48
2a01:e0a:d58:7a0:596c:c6b0:9c07:b780 0.656 0.118 0.01901:01:49
2a01:e0a:d58:7a0:bc8d:a1fd:91af:da16 0.494 0.072 0.00900:53:15
lfbn-rou-1-771-151.w90-108.abo.wanadoo.fr 3.573 0.737 0.10500:44:14
2a01:e0a:bc7:5450:6da8:e9bf:670d:e066 0.646 0.044 0.00900:31:32
2a01:cb1d:88f8:8d00:a508:471d:94ac:ea4e 0.332 0.072 0.01000:30:24
2a01:e0a:d58:7a0:859c:3343:ee6a:7bc8 0.316 0.061 0.01000:30:01
2a01:e0a:bc7:5450:35cf:8bf8:d3ae:b4b 1.276 0.117 0.02000:27:20 0.326 0.052 0.00000:17:04
90-20-115-51.ftth.fr.orangecustomers.net 130.503 12.103 1.90400:17:02
2a01:e0a:4ee:1ac0:f0d8:83e6:87d6:90b8 1.009 0.160 0.01900:07:21
TOTAL: 56 356.042 46.027 4.699150:26:20

Curious NNRP server explorers [Top 20]:

172-105-246-139.ip.linodeusercontent.com 55
2a01:e0a:472:70f0:99c:c548:7518:1c25 10
2a01:e0a:bc7:5450:6324:b466:d672:e323 6 3
2a01:e0a:bc7:5450:35cf:8bf8:d3ae:b4b 2
2a01:e0a:d58:7a0:596c:c6b0:9c07:b780 2
lfbn-ren-1-1653-231.w86-253.abo.wanadoo.fr 2 2
2a01:e0a:4ee:1ac0:f0d8:83e6:87d6:90b8 2 1
azpdwgb22.stretchoid.com 1
2a01:e0a:d58:7a0:859c:3343:ee6a:7bc8 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1
TOTAL: 51 126

NNRP unrecognized commands (by host) [Top 20]:

SystemConn 4 4 4 4 3 3 1
azpdwgb22.stretchoid.com 1
TOTAL: 8 24

NNRP unrecognized commands (by command) [Top 20]:

GET / HTTP/1.1 4
User-Agent: Expanse, a Palo Alto Network... 3
Host: 3
Accept-Encoding: gzip 3
#026#003#001 2
#023#001#023#002#023#003#001 2
À#024 2
USER anonymous 1
Accept: */* 1
Host: 1
z:Ǧš³zØ®<b©«êˆçvÙsLÛºž¸•ZÝ(Ý Í? ¿²i¢¥$#016... 1
MGLNDD_82.66.60.35_119 1
TOTAL: 12 24

NNRP client timeouts [Top 20]:

arcadix.user.local 14 0
2a01:e0a:bc7:5450:6324:b466:d672:e323 6 0
2a01:e0a:d58:7a0:f5a4:5b73:a52f:3141 4 0
2a01:e0a:367:8b0:787d:8502:2b0d:4c12 2 0
2a01:e0a:d58:7a0:596c:c6b0:9c07:b780 2 0
lfbn-ren-1-1653-231.w86-253.abo.wanadoo.fr 2 2 2 0 1 1 1 1
2a01:e0a:d58:7a0:859c:3343:ee6a:7bc8 1 0
2a01:e0a:bc7:5450:6da8:e9bf:670d:e066 1 0
lfbn-rou-1-771-151.w90-108.abo.wanadoo.fr 1 0 1 1
2a01:e0a:d58:7a0:bc8d:a1fd:91af:da16 1 0
2a01:cb1d:88f8:8d00:a508:471d:94ac:ea4e 1 0
2a0e:e701:11f3::1 1 1
TOTAL: 16 41 12

Newsgroup request counts (by hierarchy):

1fr 546 61.6%
2control 113 12.7%
3news 107 12.1%
4de 48 5.4%
5comp 33 3.7%
6misc 16 1.8%
7linux 13 1.5%
8local 6 0.7%
9nemo 5 0.6%
TOTAL: 9 887100.0%

Newsgroup request counts (by newsgroup) [Top 100]:

1fr.soc.politique 176
2fr.comp.sys.mac.materiel 122
3control.cancel 113
4news.lists.filters 102
5fr.test 77
6de.etc.sprache.deutsch 48
7fr.usenet.abus.d 36
8fr.lettres.langue.francaise 27
9comp.text.tex 26
10fr.misc.finance 20
11fr.rec.photo 17
12misc.test 16
13fr.comp.divers 15
14fr.usenet.abus.rapports 14
15linux.debian.user.french 13
16fr.comp.os.mac-os.x 12
17fr.rec.bricolage 7
18comp.infosystems.gemini 6
19local.nocem 6
20fr.rec.photo.materiel 6
21nemo.bavardages 5
22news.admin.net-abuse.usenet 3
23fr.rec.moto 3
24fr.soc.environnement 3
25fr.lettres.langues-anciennes.latin 2
26fr.comp.sys.mac.communication 2
27news.software.readers 2
28fr.comp.infosystemes.www.navigateurs 2
29fr.comp.stockage 1
30fr.bio.medecine 1
31fr.usenet.distribution 1
32comp.lang.ada 1
33fr.comp.os.linux.configuration 1
34fr.comp.sys.mac.programmation 1
TOTAL: 34 887