Daily Usenet report

Mar 16 06:15:02 -- Mar 17 06:15:02

Log entries by program:

Program nameLines%LinesSize%Size
innd 18069 39.8%2.1 MB 36.9%
inn 11046 24.4%1.7 MB 29.4%
nnrpd-tls 7352 16.2%818.9 KB 13.9%
nnrpd 5040 11.1%497.3 KB 8.4%
innfeed 3812 8.4%672.9 KB 11.4%
nocem 25 0.1%2.4 KB 0.0%
controlchan 1 0.0%0.1 KB 0.0%
TOTAL: 7 45345 100.0%5.8 MB100.0%

History cache:

Positive hits 75817 67.2%
Negative hits 26076 23.1%
Do not exist 10855 9.6%
Cache misses 38 0.0%
TOTAL: 4 112786 100.0%

INND timer:

Code regionTimePctInvokedMin(ms)Avg(ms)Max(ms)
artcncl/perl00:00:00.091 0.0%59 0.000 1.542 4.500
article cancel00:00:00.049 0.0%76 0.000 0.645 8.000
article cleanup00:00:00.353 0.0%10963 0.000 0.032 0.125
article logging00:00:01.109 0.0%10976 0.000 0.101 0.222
article parse00:00:01.549 0.0%14732 0.000 0.105 0.265
article write00:00:01.324 0.0%4690 0.000 0.282 1.172
artlog/artcncl00:00:00.002 0.0%17 0.000 0.118 1.000
artlog/artcncl/perl00:00:00.006 0.0%59 0.000 0.102 0.500
artlog/artparse00:00:00.000 0.0%3 0.000 0.000 0.000
data move00:00:00.781 0.0%111379 0.000 0.007 0.022
hisgrep/artcncl00:00:00.006 0.0%76 0.000 0.079 1.000
hisgrep/artcncl/perl00:00:00.013 0.0%59 0.000 0.220 0.750
hisgrep/perl00:00:00.036 0.0%42 0.000 0.857 1.077
hishave/artcncl00:00:00.001 0.0%17 0.000 0.059 0.111
hishave/artcncl/perl00:00:00.012 0.0%59 0.000 0.203 0.500
hishave/artparse00:00:00.000 0.0%3 0.000 0.000 0.000
history grep00:00:00.000 0.0%0 0.000 0.000 0.000
history lookup00:00:08.625 0.0%113291 0.031 0.076 0.142
history sync00:00:00.050 0.0%410 0.000 0.122 0.667
history write00:00:07.606 0.0%10908 0.227 0.697 1.000
hiswrite/artcncl/perl00:00:00.000 0.0%0 0.000 0.000 0.000
hiswrite/artparse00:00:00.002 0.0%3 0.000 0.667 2.000
idle23:43:56.614 98.8%106390 352.514 803.051 3464.133
nntp read00:00:04.590 0.0%113049 0.016 0.041 0.067
overview write00:00:04.985 0.0%4690 0.000 1.063 16.412
perl filter00:14:40.856 1.0%8460 17.626 104.120 2618.500
python filter00:00:00.057 0.0%8539 0.000 0.007 0.083
site send00:01:00.860 0.1%11417 0.250 5.331 13.909
TOTAL: 24:01:03.27024:00:09.577 99.9%----

INNfeed timer:

Code regionTimePctInvokedMin(ms)Avg(ms)Max(ms)
article new00:00:00.049 0.0%4784 0.000 0.010 0.100
article prepare00:00:00.193 0.0%34112 0.000 0.006 0.033
article read00:00:00.594 0.0%2306 0.000 0.258 19.444
backlog stats00:00:00.910 0.0%107879 0.000 0.008 0.022
callbacks00:00:00.000 0.0%0 0.000 0.000 0.000
data read00:00:02.545 0.0%67784 0.009 0.038 0.065
data write00:00:05.063 0.0%63792 0.043 0.079 0.128
idle23:55:38.643100.0%107879 410.702 798.475 3737.907
status file00:00:01.284 0.0%397 2.667 3.234 10.000
TOTAL: 23:56:02.04023:55:49.281100.0%----

nnrpd timer:

Code regionTimePctInvokedMin(ms)Avg(ms)Max(ms)
idle66:33:03.287 69.8%6190 0.000 38704.893300028.167
newnews00:00:00.000 0.0%0 0.000 0.000 0.000
nntpwrite00:00:03.112 0.0%51586 0.000 0.060 1.000
readart00:00:01.775 0.0%1263 0.000 1.405 161.000
TOTAL: 95:16:54.68866:33:08.174 69.8%----

Control commands to INND:

flush 5
flushlogs 2
go 2
logmode 2
lowmark 1
mode 857
name 2
pause 2
paused 2
reload 2
reserve 2
TOTAL: 11 879

Incoming Feeds (INN):

1pasdenom-out.news.weretis.net 4 10365 1599 7926 840 15%49:34:56
2outgoing.news.lysator.liu.se 2 8275 1376 6628 271 16%23:59:16
3goja.nodns.local 11 7336 716 5946 674 9%24:18:29
4usenet.blueworldhosting.com 287 10427 229 7218 2980 2%23:39:36
5paganini.nodns.local 1 10022 182 9136 704 1%23:59:57
6nemoweb2.nodns.local 1532 1532 167 1364 1 10%00:00:43
7feed.usenet-fr.net 21 1754 110 1612 32 6%22:55:27
8obelix.gegeweb.org 2 1833 82 1746 5 4%23:59:09
9news.nntp4.net 2 9325 74 8676 575 0%23:59:01
10rasp 59 59 59 0 0 100%00:00:09
11nntp.csiph.com 1 7225 56 7156 13 0%24:40:04
12pasdenom-out.news.tnetconsulting.net 2 5702 34 5609 59 0%23:59:11
13localhost 62 21 21 0 0 100%00:00:00
14news.furie.org.uk 1 3142 8 3120 14 0%23:59:56
15news.ortolo.eu 1 2383 3 2378 2 0%23:59:58
16news.glou.org 2 1654 2 1650 2 0%23:59:44
17news.niel.me 1 1875 1 1874 0 0%23:59:56
18news.izac.org 27 468 0 468 0 0%20:47:03
19news.bete-des-vosges.org 1 0 0 0 0 0%00:10:00
20birotanews.mynetgear.com 26 480 0 480 0 0%17:45:42
21backup.pasdenom.info 3 1694 0 1694 0 0%23:54:51
TOTAL: 21 2048 85572 4719 74681 6172 5%423:43:08
Articles received by server

Incoming Volume (INN):

1pasdenom-out.news.weretis.net5.2 MB0.0 KB2.7 MB7.9 MB 65%3.3 KB
2outgoing.news.lysator.liu.se4.1 MB0.0 KB683.9 KB4.8 MB 86%3.0 KB
3goja.nodns.local2.8 MB0.0 KB2.9 MB5.6 MB 49%4.1 KB
4usenet.blueworldhosting.com1.1 MB0.0 KB6.4 MB7.6 MB 14%2.4 KB
5paganini.nodns.local542.2 KB54.5 KB2.0 MB2.6 MB 20%3.0 KB
6nemoweb2.nodns.local359.8 KB0.0 KB6.6 KB366.3 KB 98%2.2 KB
7news.nntp4.net330.5 KB0.0 KB988.5 KB1.3 MB 25%2.0 KB
8feed.usenet-fr.net256.2 KB0.0 KB157.7 KB413.9 KB 61%2.9 KB
9obelix.gegeweb.org229.7 KB0.0 KB10.7 KB240.4 KB 95%2.8 KB
10nntp.csiph.com189.5 KB0.0 KB22.9 KB212.5 KB 89%3.1 KB
11pasdenom-out.news.tnetconsulting.net162.3 KB0.0 KB173.7 KB336.1 KB 48%3.6 KB
12rasp141.1 KB0.0 KB0.0 KB141.1 KB100%2.4 KB
13localhost46.3 KB0.0 KB0.0 KB46.3 KB100%2.2 KB
14news.furie.org.uk27.1 KB0.0 KB132.0 KB159.1 KB 17%7.2 KB
15news.ortolo.eu10.7 KB0.0 KB22.2 KB32.9 KB 32%6.6 KB
16news.glou.org3.0 KB0.0 KB4.7 KB7.7 KB 38%1.9 KB
17news.niel.me2.2 KB0.0 KB0.0 KB2.2 KB100%2.2 KB
18news.izac.org0.0 KB0.0 KB0.0 KB0.0 KB 0%0
19news.bete-des-vosges.org0.0 KB0.0 KB0.0 KB0.0 KB 0%0
20birotanews.mynetgear.com0.0 KB0.0 KB0.0 KB0.0 KB 0%0
21backup.pasdenom.info0.0 KB0.0 KB0.0 KB0.0 KB 0%0
TOTAL: 2115.4 MB54.5 KB16.1 MB31.6 MB 48%3.0 KB
Incoming Volume received by server

Incoming articles:

Mar 16 06:15:02 - 06:59:59 36 0.8% 0.01119.8 KB 0.8% 0.04
Mar 16 07:00:00 - 07:59:59 84 1.8% 0.02271.0 KB 1.7% 0.08
Mar 16 08:00:00 - 08:59:59 202 4.3% 0.06493.6 KB 3.2% 0.14
Mar 16 09:00:00 - 09:59:59 191 4.1% 0.05605.1 KB 3.9% 0.17
Mar 16 10:00:00 - 10:59:59 211 4.5% 0.06655.3 KB 4.2% 0.18
Mar 16 11:00:00 - 11:59:59 239 5.1% 0.07625.0 KB 4.0% 0.17
Mar 16 12:00:00 - 12:59:59 235 5.0% 0.07674.1 KB 4.3% 0.19
Mar 16 13:00:00 - 13:59:59 301 6.4% 0.08996.4 KB 6.4% 0.28
Mar 16 14:00:00 - 14:59:59 211 4.5% 0.06683.8 KB 4.4% 0.19
Mar 16 15:00:00 - 15:59:59 265 5.7% 0.07637.7 KB 4.1% 0.18
Mar 16 16:00:00 - 16:59:59 377 8.0% 0.101.4 MB 9.4% 0.41
Mar 16 17:00:00 - 17:59:59 273 5.8% 0.08989.6 KB 6.4% 0.27
Mar 16 18:00:00 - 18:59:59 266 5.7% 0.07900.9 KB 5.8% 0.25
Mar 16 19:00:00 - 19:59:59 258 5.5% 0.07774.5 KB 5.0% 0.22
Mar 16 20:00:00 - 20:59:59 188 4.0% 0.05714.9 KB 4.6% 0.20
Mar 16 21:00:00 - 21:59:59 247 5.3% 0.07843.4 KB 5.4% 0.23
Mar 16 22:00:00 - 22:59:59 270 5.8% 0.071008.1 KB 6.5% 0.28
Mar 16 23:00:00 - 23:59:59 180 3.8% 0.05624.4 KB 4.0% 0.17
Mar 17 00:00:00 - 00:59:59 185 3.9% 0.05704.9 KB 4.5% 0.20
Mar 17 01:00:00 - 01:59:59 114 2.4% 0.03494.6 KB 3.2% 0.14
Mar 17 02:00:00 - 02:59:59 84 1.8% 0.02281.6 KB 1.8% 0.08
Mar 17 03:00:00 - 03:59:59 68 1.5% 0.02238.3 KB 1.5% 0.07
Mar 17 04:00:00 - 04:59:59 60 1.3% 0.02230.8 KB 1.5% 0.06
Mar 17 05:00:00 - 05:59:59 93 2.0% 0.03378.8 KB 2.4% 0.11
Mar 17 06:00:00 - 06:15:02 46 1.0% 0.05113.9 KB 0.7% 0.13
TOTAL: 24:00:00 4684 100.0% 0.0515.2 MB 100.0% 0.18
Incoming articles
Incoming articles (size)

Sites sending bad articles:

1usenet.blueworldhosting.com 2989 168 0 0 0 01272 0 1549
2pasdenom-out.news.weretis.net 848 0 0 0 0 0 587 0 261
3goja.nodns.local 753 0 0 0 0 0 371 0 382
4paganini.nodns.local 690 102 0 1 0 0 73 0 514
5news.nntp4.net 577 34 0 0 0 0 88 0 455
6outgoing.news.lysator.liu.se 277 3 0 0 0 0 60 0 214
7pasdenom-out.news.tnetconsulting.net 80 0 0 0 0 0 40 0 40
8feed.usenet-fr.net 33 0 0 0 0 0 5 0 28
9nntp.csiph.com 18 1 0 0 0 0 10 0 7
10news.furie.org.uk 15 8 0 0 0 0 0 0 7
11obelix.gegeweb.org 5 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 5
12news.glou.org 2 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 2
13nemoweb2.nodns.local 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1
14news.ortolo.eu 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1
TOTAL: 14 6289 316 0 1 0 02506 0 3466

Unwanted newsgroups [Top 20]:

free.usenet 100
linux.kernel.git 42
fido7.pushkin.local 30
fido7.ukrnews 28
fido7.fidonet.online 27
linux.kernel.netdev 24
fido7.starper.limited 19
odessa.news 14
perl.cpan 11
fido7.f715.techinfo 6
chmurka.misc 5
news.test 2
fido7.odessa.news 2
chmurka.statystyki 1
rocksolid.russian.talk 1
fido7.crimea.robots 1
eternal-september.info 1
alt.usenet 1
alt.fun 1
TOTAL: 19 316

Unwanted sites in Path header field [Top 20]:

reseller 1580
sewer 313
news.xsnews.nl 288
news.kpn.nl 238
posting.uzoreto.com 87
TOTAL: 5 2506

INND Perl filter [Top 200]:

EMP (md5) 1085
spam? 936
EMP (phn path) 467
Too many newsgroups 407
Too many newsgroups (low_xpost) 337
spam bad path : doctor 52
Poison newsgroup 17
Banned From (HeartDoc) 15
Cancel of non-existing ID 13
Bad from (spam planet...) 13
Reject post to comp.theory by SpamAssassin 8
Reject post to rec.food.cooking by SpamAssassin 7
Reject post to comp.theory,sci.logic by SpamAssassin 7
Banned From (nobody@dizum.com) 6
Reject post to sci.logic,comp.theory by SpamAssassin 6
spam Bad Body : spams recurrents (1) 3
spam bad path 3
Reject post to alt.atheism by SpamAssassin 2
Reject post to rec.music.dylan by SpamAssassin 2
spam Subject recurrent! (3) 2
spam SEXE!(2) 1
Subject (LSD) 1
spam arnaque (money) 1
Reject post to rec.music.rock-pop-r+b.1950s by SpamAssassin 1
Reject post to sci.physics.relativity by SpamAssassin 1
Binary: misplaced binary 1
spam Subject recurrent! 1
Reject post to alt.slack by SpamAssassin 1
TOTAL: 28 3396

NoCeM on Spool:

TOTAL: 1901717

Miscellaneous innd statistics [Top 10]:

Huge articles
pasdenom-out.news.weretis.net 3
TOTAL: 1 3
Including strange strings
pasdenom-out.news.weretis.net 9
outgoing.news.lysator.liu.se 2
pasdenom-out.news.tnetconsulting.net 1
paganini.nodns.local 1
TOTAL: 4 13
TOTAL: 2 16

Outgoing Feeds (innfeed) by Articles:

1backup 1540 1366 122 46 0 0 88%23:54:49
2bete-des-vosges 1462 1280 0 181 0 0 87%23:51:42
3tsukuba 993 992 0 0 0 0 99%23:50:57
4lysator 3578 549 2693 0 11 0 15%23:59:38
5birotanews 482 482 0 0 0 0100%18:04:14
6furie 2954 432 1736 13 5 15 14%23:59:53
7izac 971 425 384 0 0 0 43%22:46:40
8ortolo 2263 321 1630 4 14 1 14%23:54:51
9glou 1484 314 1148 9 0 0 21%23:54:49
10csiph 6752 252 3646 4 1 23 3%23:59:53
11bwh 7391 216 4411 0 0 9 2%23:57:19
12niel.me 1684 201 1287 15 0 0 11%23:54:49
13linuxd 5100 194 4257 0 0 16 3%23:59:53
14usenet-fr 1270 194 990 37 0 0 15%23:51:42
15gegeweb 1448 193 1224 8 0 0 13%23:42:19
16goja 4010 191 3726 0 0 0 4%23:59:53
17weretis.net 2757 189 2555 1 0 0 6%23:58:57
18nntp4 4733 172 4352 25 3 1 3%23:58:58
19tnet 7538 102 4415 112 0 15 1%23:59:22
TOTAL: 19 58410 8065 38576 455 34 80 13%447:40:38
Outgoing feeds (innfeed) by Articles

Outgoing Feeds (innfeed) by Volume:

1backup4.2 MB89.8 KB4.3 MB0.1 KB/s3.1 KB23:54:49
2tsukuba3.5 MB0.0 KB3.5 MB0.0 KB/s3.6 KB23:50:57
3bete-des-vosges3.2 MB788.8 KB4.0 MB0.0 KB/s2.8 KB23:51:42
4lysator1.3 MB0.0 KB1.3 MB0.0 KB/s2.4 KB23:59:38
5furie1.2 MB27.5 KB1.2 MB0.0 KB/s2.7 KB23:59:53
6birotanews1023.6 KB0.0 KB1023.6 KB0.0 KB/s2.1 KB18:04:14
7izac901.2 KB0.0 KB901.2 KB0.0 KB/s2.1 KB22:46:40
8ortolo859.0 KB6.6 KB865.6 KB0.0 KB/s2.7 KB23:54:51
9glou736.2 KB22.3 KB758.5 KB0.0 KB/s2.3 KB23:54:49
10csiph552.7 KB7.8 KB560.5 KB0.0 KB/s2.2 KB23:59:53
11bwh472.1 KB0.0 KB472.1 KB0.0 KB/s2.2 KB23:57:19
12niel.me435.5 KB22.9 KB458.4 KB0.0 KB/s2.1 KB23:54:49
13linuxd420.8 KB0.0 KB420.8 KB0.0 KB/s2.2 KB23:59:53
14gegeweb417.4 KB10.6 KB428.0 KB0.0 KB/s2.1 KB23:42:19
15goja412.1 KB0.0 KB412.1 KB0.0 KB/s2.2 KB23:59:53
16weretis.net407.1 KB1.7 KB408.7 KB0.0 KB/s2.2 KB23:58:57
17usenet-fr399.8 KB100.5 KB500.3 KB0.0 KB/s2.2 KB23:51:42
18nntp4392.9 KB50.4 KB443.2 KB0.0 KB/s2.2 KB23:58:58
19tnet235.3 KB234.2 KB469.5 KB0.0 KB/s2.2 KB23:59:22
TOTAL: 1920.9 MB1.3 MB22.2 MB0.0 KB/s2.7 KB447:40:38
Outgoing feeds (innfeed) by Volume

NNRP readership statistics:

1arcadix.user.local 88 380820.6 KB 122 0 004:06:08
282-64-219-111.subs.proxad.net 8 279686.1 KB 35 0 000:02:09
32a0e:e701:11f3::1 2 223405.4 KB 12 0 004:44:01
4astlambert-652-1-123-249.w90-62.abo.wanadoo.fr 2 143264.6 KB 7 0 000:01:43
578.197.187.24 5 104211.1 KB 9 1 000:00:13
6aorleans-651-1-88-51.w90-20.abo.wanadoo.fr 156 2997.8 KB 23 0 001:28:21
72a01:e0a:d58:7a0:b9f4:c9a2:9d32:de3c 11 2029.8 KB 10 6 007:03:19
82a01:e0a:367:8b0:80fa:647c:991b:c8c4 2 1749.6 KB 11 0 025:04:53
92a02:1210:6aec:e400:e4ca:3914:e5bd:f4a5 6 1433.8 KB 4 0 001:10:19
10190.154.61.188.dynamic.wline.res.cust.swisscom.ch 10 1326.8 KB 9 0 000:00:33
11lfbn-bor-1-64-14.w90-50.abo.wanadoo.fr 2 1328.7 KB 4 0 000:00:09
12lfbn-ren-1-1653-231.w86-253.abo.wanadoo.fr 6 910.5 KB 3 1 000:01:11
13178.197.198.166 1 718.5 KB 1 0 000:00:09
14lfbn-rou-1-265-211.w90-23.abo.wanadoo.fr 6 515.9 KB 3 0 000:59:31
152a01:e0a:29e:5020:c4b1:1dac:e32f:c1e4 2 22.2 KB 1 0 006:19:59
162a01:e0a:29e:5020:1d6f:d956:53b2:43d7 2 23.0 KB 2 2 020:52:48
1791-170-121-64.subs.proxad.net 2 11.1 KB 1 0 000:00:06
18newsportal.local 8 11.4 KB 1 0 000:00:28
19aannecy-651-1-190-224.w90-9.abo.wanadoo.fr 3 11.5 KB 1 1 000:01:43
20localhost 9 00.0 KB 0 9 000:00:04
212a01:e0a:367:8b0:c4f1:7259:35f9:3cb2 2 00.0 KB 1 0 000:00:00
TOTAL: 21 333 12632.6 MB 262 20 095:16:32

NNRP readership statistics (by domain):

1*.user.local 88 380820.6 KB 122 0 004:06:08
2*.subs.proxad.net 12 280687.2 KB 36 0 000:09:06
3? 57 278523.7 KB 43 17 088:23:56
4*.w90-62.abo.wanadoo.fr 2 143264.6 KB 7 0 000:01:43
5unresolved 49 111229.6 KB 10 1 000:01:26
6*.w90-20.abo.wanadoo.fr 156 2997.8 KB 23 0 001:28:21
7*.w90-50.abo.wanadoo.fr 2 1328.7 KB 4 0 000:00:09
8*.154.61.188.dynamic.wline.res.cust.swisscom.ch 10 1326.8 KB 9 0 000:00:33
9*.w86-253.abo.wanadoo.fr 6 910.5 KB 3 1 000:01:11
10*.w90-23.abo.wanadoo.fr 6 515.9 KB 3 0 000:59:31
11*.w90-9.abo.wanadoo.fr 3 11.5 KB 1 1 000:01:43
12*.local 8 11.4 KB 1 0 000:00:28
13*.ch1.censys-scanner.com 9 00.0 KB 0 0 000:00:30
14*.149.216.162.bc.googleusercontent.com 1 00.0 KB 0 0 000:00:01
15*.census.shodan.io 2 00.0 KB 0 0 000:00:04
16*.120.69.85.rev.sfr.net 3 00.0 KB 0 0 000:00:03
17*.208.119.80.rev.sfr.net 2 00.0 KB 0 0 000:01:31
TOTAL: 17 416 12632.6 MB 262 20 095:16:32

NNRP total resource statistics [Top 20]:

2a01:e0a:367:8b0:80fa:647c:991b:c8c4 1.139 0.332 0.02025:04:53
2a01:e0a:29e:5020:1d6f:d956:53b2:43d7 0.984 0.337 0.02120:52:48
2a01:e0a:472:70f0:7871:b81:d262:76f1 3.810 0.303 0.06107:52:26
2a01:e0a:d58:7a0:b9f4:c9a2:9d32:de3c 4.981 1.060 0.10607:03:19
2405:9800:bcc0:497:5ca0:359a:5ebe:bbd0 0.637 0.045 0.01006:32:52
2a01:e0a:29e:5020:c4b1:1dac:e32f:c1e4 1.082 0.220 0.01906:19:59
2a0e:e701:11f3::1 1.555 0.749 0.01104:44:01
2a01:e0a:472:70f0:1104:8727:4708:f307 1.277 0.105 0.01904:09:32
arcadix.user.local 41.527 8.144 0.86904:06:08
2a01:e0a:bc7:5450:35ff:d464:18b:59a8 1.828 0.121 0.03001:30:16
aorleans-651-1-88-51.w90-20.abo.wanadoo.fr 97.573 9.010 1.54301:28:21
2a01:e0a:472:70f0:5da4:29dc:9b97:2bad 2.607 0.161 0.04001:23:47
2a02:1210:6aec:e400:e4ca:3914:e5bd:f4a5 4.643 0.390 0.06601:10:19
2a01:e0a:bc7:5450:7801:9e4d:53dc:9dc4 1.204 0.107 0.02101:00:10
lfbn-rou-1-265-211.w90-23.abo.wanadoo.fr 2.178 0.610 0.06400:59:31
2a01:e0a:bc7:5450:6e0c:1335:6b5a:c14e 0.329 0.092 0.00900:30:21
2a01:e0a:4ee:1ac0:2d9f:dbab:6cf3:20af 1.063 0.181 0.01900:09:02
88-123-184-107.subs.proxad.net 0.859 0.188 0.01900:06:50
82-64-219-111.subs.proxad.net 6.095 0.741 0.08000:02:09
aannecy-651-1-190-224.w90-9.abo.wanadoo.fr 1.191 0.274 0.03000:01:43
TOTAL: 40 228.447 30.429 3.42695:16:32

Curious NNRP server explorers [Top 20]:

SystemConn 18 9 9
2a01:e0a:472:70f0:7871:b81:d262:76f1 6
2a01:e0a:472:70f0:5da4:29dc:9b97:2bad 4 4 3
2a01:e0a:bc7:5450:35ff:d464:18b:59a8 3
2a01:e0a:bc7:5450:7801:9e4d:53dc:9dc4 2 2
scanner-06.ch1.censys-scanner.com 2
scanner-25.ch1.censys-scanner.com 2
2a01:e0a:472:70f0:1104:8727:4708:f307 2
88-123-184-107.subs.proxad.net 2 2
2a01:e0a:4ee:1ac0:2d9f:dbab:6cf3:20af 2
scanner-29.ch1.censys-scanner.com 2
soda.census.shodan.io 2 1
scanner-05.ch1.censys-scanner.com 1
TOTAL: 25 83

NNRP gethostbyaddr failures [Top 20]:

? (can't getpeername) 84
TOTAL: 1 84

NNRP unrecognized commands (by host) [Top 20]:

SystemConn 7 3
TOTAL: 2 10

NNRP unrecognized commands (by command) [Top 20]:

User-Agent: Expanse, a Palo Alto Network... 1
fç_#037#014$d#031WÑ•É-½§ð“ 1
User-Agent: Go-http-client/1.1 1
CONNECT example.com:443 HTTP/1.1 1
#023#001#023#002#023#003#001 1
GET / HTTP/1.1 1
À#024 1
Host: example.com:443 1
Host: 1
#026#003#001 1
TOTAL: 10 10

NNRP client timeouts [Top 20]:

2a01:e0a:d58:7a0:b9f4:c9a2:9d32:de3c 11 0
arcadix.user.local 5 0
lfbn-ren-1-1653-231.w86-253.abo.wanadoo.fr 4 3
2a01:e0a:bc7:5450:35ff:d464:18b:59a8 3 0
2a01:e0a:29e:5020:c4b1:1dac:e32f:c1e4 2 0
2a01:e0a:bc7:5450:7801:9e4d:53dc:9dc4 2 0
2a01:e0a:bc7:5450:6e0c:1335:6b5a:c14e 1 0
TOTAL: 7 28 5

Newsgroup request counts (by hierarchy):

1fr 1054 81.0%
2news 63 4.8%
3de 51 3.9%
4control 49 3.8%
5comp 31 2.4%
6local 26 2.0%
7rec 12 0.9%
8misc 11 0.8%
9linux 4 0.3%
10sci 1 0.1%
TOTAL: 10 1302100.0%

Newsgroup request counts (by newsgroup) [Top 100]:

1fr.comp.usenet.lecteurs-de-news 281
2fr.soc.politique 277
3fr.misc.actualite.covid19 74
4fr.test 73
5fr.rec.moto 63
6news.lists.filters 59
7fr.rec.bricolage 55
8fr.misc.engueulades 52
9de.etc.sprache.deutsch 51
10control.cancel 49
11fr.lettres.langue.francaise 45
12fr.rec.photo 31
13comp.infosystems.gemini 27
14fr.comp.os.linux.configuration 24
15fr.comp.sys.mac.communication 17
16fr.rec.radio 15
17local.nocem 13
18local.general 13
19fr.bio.medecine 12
20rec.radio.amateur.dx 12
21fr.misc.finance 12
22misc.test 11
23fr.soc.environnement 5
24comp.text.tex 4
25linux.debian.user.french 4
26fr.usenet.divers 4
27fr.misc.automoto.mecanique 3
28news.admin.net-abuse.usenet 3
29fr.rec.aviation 2
30fr.rec.bateaux 2
31fr.sci.electronique 2
32fr.usenet.stats 1
33news.admin.peering 1
34fr.usenet.abus.d 1
35fr.rec.sport.football 1
36fr.comp.os.mac-os.x 1
37sci.math 1
38fr.comp.usenet.serveurs 1
TOTAL: 38 1302