Daily Usenet report

Oct 13 06:15:02 -- Oct 14 06:15:02

Unknown entries from news log file:

First 12 / 12 lines (100.0%)

Oct 13 09:14:54 rasp nnrpd[7995]: timer log too long while processing nntpwrite
Oct 13 09:14:54 rasp nnrpd[7995]: timer log too long while processing readart
Oct 13 09:14:54 rasp nnrpd[7995]: timer log too long while processing readart
Oct 13 09:14:54 rasp nnrpd[7995]: timer log too long while processing readart
Oct 13 09:14:54 rasp nnrpd[7995]: timer log too long while processing readart
Oct 13 09:14:54 rasp nnrpd[7995]: timer log too long while processing readart
Oct 13 09:14:54 rasp nnrpd[7995]: 2a01:e0a:21:ea80:e8d4:b3a2:6303:6d9 time 1157717 nntpwrite 18(192) nntpwrite/nntpwrite 3(5) nntpwrite/nntpwrite/nntpwrite 0(4) nntpwrite/nntpwrite/nntpwrite/nntpwrite 2(14) nntpwrite/nntpwrite/nntpwrite/nntpwrite/nntpwrite 53(7) nntpwrite/nntpwrite/nntpwrite/nntpwrite/nntpwrite/nntpwrite 3(5) nntpwrite/nntpwrite/nntpwrite/nntpwrite/nntpwrite/nntpwrite/nntpwrite 1(4) nntpwrite/nntpwrite/nntpwrite/nntpwrite/nntpwrite/nntpwrite/nntpwrite/nntpwrite 1(4) nntpwrite/nntpwrite/nntpwrite/nntpwrite/nntpwrite/nntpwrite/nntpwrite/nntpwrite/nntpwrite 0(6) nntpwrite/nntpwrite/nntpwrite/nnt
Oct 13 11:53:19 rasp nnrpd[27217]: 2a01:e34:ecb6:4110:19c3:bebe:a94c:424 can't read: Connexion ré-initialisée par le correspondant
Oct 13 14:50:15 rasp nnrpd[20536]: timer log too long while processing nntpwrite
Oct 13 14:50:15 rasp nnrpd[20536]: timer log too long while processing readart
Oct 13 14:50:15 rasp nnrpd[20536]: timer log too long while processing readart
Oct 13 14:50:15 rasp nnrpd[20536]: 2a01:e0a:21:ea80:91eb:e2e5:e561:d5f9 time 3024676 nntpwrite 9(192) nntpwrite/nntpwrite 2(6) nntpwrite/nntpwrite/nntpwrite 1(6) nntpwrite/nntpwrite/nntpwrite/nntpwrite 1(5) nntpwrite/nntpwrite/nntpwrite/nntpwrite/nntpwrite 1(6) nntpwrite/nntpwrite/nntpwrite/nntpwrite/nntpwrite/nntpwrite 12(7) nntpwrite/nntpwrite/nntpwrite/nntpwrite/nntpwrite/nntpwrite/nntpwrite 168(7) nntpwrite/nntpwrite/nntpwrite/nntpwrite/nntpwrite/nntpwrite/nntpwrite/nntpwrite 1(7) nntpwrite/nntpwrite/nntpwrite/nntpwrite/nntpwrite/nntpwrite/nntpwrite/nntpwrite/nntpwrite 5(7) nntpwrite/nntpwrite/nntpwrite/nnt

Log entries by program:

Program nameLines%LinesSize%Size
innd 146010 50.1%16.2 MB 48.5%
inn 73767 25.3%9.4 MB 28.3%
nnrpd 65031 22.3%6.7 MB 19.9%
innfeed 4018 1.4%706.5 KB 2.1%
cnfsstat 2448 0.8%439.4 KB 1.3%
nocem 46 0.0%4.2 KB 0.0%
controlchan 2 0.0%0.1 KB 0.0%
TOTAL: 7 291322 100.0%33.4 MB100.0%

History cache:

Positive hits 535319 69.6%
Negative hits 146813 19.1%
Do not exist 72454 9.4%
Cache misses 14270 1.9%
TOTAL: 4 768856 100.0%

INND timer:

Code regionTimePctInvokedMin(ms)Avg(ms)Max(ms)
artcncl/perl00:00:00.088 0.0%51 0.000 1.725 6.000
article cancel00:00:00.540 0.0%200 0.000 2.700 65.667
article cleanup00:00:02.522 0.0%72029 0.014 0.035 0.054
article logging00:00:07.869 0.0%72029 0.062 0.109 0.161
article parse00:00:23.613 0.0%199998 0.089 0.118 0.174
article write00:00:02.946 0.0%9657 0.071 0.305 0.667
artlog/artcncl00:00:00.009 0.0%190 0.000 0.047 0.333
artlog/artcncl/perl00:00:00.008 0.0%44 0.000 0.182 1.000
artlog/artparse00:00:00.105 0.0%1003 0.000 0.105 1.000
data move00:00:12.815 0.0%951893 0.007 0.013 0.021
hisgrep/artcncl00:00:00.045 0.0%200 0.000 0.225 1.500
hisgrep/artcncl/perl00:00:00.007 0.0%48 0.000 0.146 1.000
hisgrep/perl00:00:00.024 0.0%36 0.000 0.667 2.000
hishave/artcncl00:00:00.008 0.0%200 0.000 0.040 0.333
hishave/artcncl/perl00:00:00.001 0.0%51 0.000 0.020 1.000
hishave/artparse00:00:00.031 0.0%1003 0.000 0.031 0.500
history grep00:00:00.000 0.0%0 0.000 0.000 0.000
history lookup00:00:16.911 0.0%772805 0.008 0.022 0.062
history sync00:00:00.053 0.0%327 0.000 0.162 1.000
history write00:00:32.513 0.0%71985 0.243 0.452 1.137
hiswrite/artcncl/perl00:00:00.003 0.0%3 1.000 1.000 1.000
hiswrite/artparse00:00:00.523 0.0%1003 0.000 0.521 2.000
idle23:18:12.370 97.7%891357 46.309 94.118 209.305
nntp read00:00:38.726 0.0%895033 0.032 0.043 0.057
overview write00:00:08.320 0.0%9657 0.359 0.862 4.889
perl filter00:20:43.813 1.4%67080 14.703 18.542 24.972
python filter00:00:00.524 0.0%67339 0.000 0.008 0.028
site send00:01:46.322 0.1%29708 2.406 3.579 4.593
TOTAL: 23:50:33.17423:43:10.709 99.5%----

INNfeed timer:

Code regionTimePctInvokedMin(ms)Avg(ms)Max(ms)
article new00:00:00.274 0.0%22480 0.000 0.012 0.129
article prepare00:00:00.686 0.0%131002 0.000 0.005 0.017
article read00:00:04.101 0.0%20159 0.000 0.203 4.426
backlog stats00:00:02.408 0.0%252281 0.002 0.010 0.024
callbacks00:00:00.067 0.0%260 0.238 0.258 0.262
data read00:00:09.292 0.0%170912 0.021 0.054 0.132
data write00:00:13.524 0.0%161807 0.061 0.084 0.125
idle23:45:10.154 99.9%252281 41.809 338.948 1247.590
newart/cb00:00:00.000 0.0%9 0.000 0.000 0.000
prepart/cb00:00:00.011 0.0%1014 0.011 0.011 0.012
readart/cb00:00:00.041 0.0%258 0.128 0.159 0.168
status file00:00:01.391 0.0%344 3.000 4.044 9.000
TOTAL: 23:46:12.24523:45:41.949100.0%----

nnrpd timer:

Code regionTimePctInvokedMin(ms)Avg(ms)Max(ms)
hisgrep00:00:02.381 0.0%2050 0.000 1.161 21.000
idle66:10:57.583 37.6%34098 0.000 6987.4361800104.000
newnews00:00:00.000 0.0%0 0.000 0.000 0.000
nntpwrite00:00:25.567 0.0%187328 0.000 0.136 119.526
readart00:08:42.719 0.1%13270 0.000 39.391 788.000
TOTAL: 175:54:30.28566:20:08.250 37.7%----

Control commands to INND:

flush 5
flushlogs 2
go 2
logmode 2
lowmark 1
mode 854
name 2
pause 2
paused 2
reload 2
reserve 2
shutdown 3
TOTAL: 12 879

Incoming Feeds (INN):

1pasdenom-out.news.weretis.net 6 35450 3180 26970 5300 8%42:31:20
2paganini.nodns.local 2 71938 3100 57946 10892 4%23:57:20
3goja.nodns.local 11 67630 1210 62784 3636 1%24:52:26
4feed.usenet-fr.net 25 12587 427 8537 3623 3%24:15:37
5news.nntp4.net 2 63843 294 40259 23290 0%23:57:31
6obelix.gegeweb.org 3 6102 228 5788 86 3%23:58:09
7usenet.blueworldhosting.com 515 30715 220 22897 7598 0%16:52:02
8news2-out.httrack.net 3 27237 192 25729 1316 0%24:07:25
9rasp 191 191 191 0 0 100%00:00:10
10news.glou.org 2 12757 153 12256 348 1%23:58:21
11pasdenom-out.news.tnetconsulting.net 3 55996 129 54214 1653 0%23:33:01
12nemoweb2.nodns.local 5736 5736 110 5623 3 1%00:02:09
13localhost 137 67 65 0 2 97%00:00:04
14outgoing.news.lysator.liu.se 3 65650 60 60241 5349 0%24:56:32
15news.niel.me 3 39870 21 39811 38 0%24:07:26
16backup.pasdenom.info 21 16616 9 16607 0 0%11:29:09
17news.furie.org.uk 2 45364 4 45342 18 0%23:58:16
18nntp.csiph.com 3 8664 1 8636 27 0%03:37:10
19news.izac.org 1 0 0 0 0 0%00:10:00
20news2.nemoweb.net 5736 5736 0 5736 0 0%00:02:34
21nntp.pasdenom.info 8598 0 0 0 0 0%00:00:05
22news.bete-des-vosges.org 6 1505 0 1505 0 0%23:39:43
23birotanews.mynetgear.com 18 599 0 599 0 0%19:35:08
24herbert2.ortolo.eu 1 4326 0 4326 0 0%00:10:15
TOTAL: 2421028 578579 9594 505806 63179 1%383:51:53
Articles received by server

Incoming Volume (INN):

1pasdenom-out.news.weretis.net8.6 MB0.0 KB27.1 MB35.7 MB 24%4.3 KB
2paganini.nodns.local8.6 MB0.0 KB89.0 MB97.6 MB 8%7.1 KB
3goja.nodns.local4.0 MB0.0 KB23.1 MB27.1 MB 14%5.7 KB
4feed.usenet-fr.net1017.1 KB0.0 KB21.4 MB22.4 MB 4%5.7 KB
5obelix.gegeweb.org860.2 KB0.0 KB3.4 MB4.3 MB 19%13.9 KB
6news.nntp4.net807.5 KB0.0 KB206.4 MB207.2 MB 0%9.0 KB
7usenet.blueworldhosting.com633.4 KB0.0 KB42.3 MB42.9 MB 1%5.6 KB
8news.glou.org598.6 KB0.0 KB3.6 MB4.2 MB 13%8.5 KB
9news2-out.httrack.net583.4 KB0.0 KB4.7 MB5.3 MB 10%3.6 KB
10rasp492.7 KB0.0 KB0.0 KB492.7 KB100%2.6 KB
11pasdenom-out.news.tnetconsulting.net414.9 KB0.0 KB14.0 MB14.4 MB 2%8.3 KB
12nemoweb2.nodns.local256.0 KB0.0 KB3.8 KB259.8 KB 98%2.3 KB
13outgoing.news.lysator.liu.se189.9 KB0.0 KB55.1 MB55.3 MB 0%10.5 KB
14localhost169.2 KB0.0 KB1.8 KB171.0 KB 98%2.6 KB
15news.niel.me60.1 KB0.0 KB371.3 KB431.5 KB 13%7.3 KB
16news.furie.org.uk11.9 KB0.0 KB173.8 KB185.7 KB 6%8.4 KB
17backup.pasdenom.info10.5 KB0.0 KB0.0 KB10.5 KB100%1.2 KB
18nntp.csiph.com0.8 KB0.0 KB321.5 KB322.3 KB 0%11.5 KB
19news.izac.org0.0 KB0.0 KB0.0 KB0.0 KB 0%0
20news2.nemoweb.net0.0 KB0.0 KB0.0 KB0.0 KB 0%0
21nntp.pasdenom.info0.0 KB0.0 KB0.0 KB0.0 KB 0%0
22news.bete-des-vosges.org0.0 KB0.0 KB0.0 KB0.0 KB 0%0
23birotanews.mynetgear.com0.0 KB0.0 KB0.0 KB0.0 KB 0%0
24herbert2.ortolo.eu0.0 KB0.0 KB0.0 KB0.0 KB 0%0
TOTAL: 2427.2 MB0.0 KB490.8 MB518.0 MB 5%7.3 KB
Incoming Volume received by server

Incoming articles:

Oct 13 06:15:02 - 06:59:59 242 2.5% 0.09807.7 KB 2.9% 0.30
Oct 13 07:00:00 - 07:59:59 291 3.0% 0.08937.5 KB 3.3% 0.26
Oct 13 08:00:00 - 08:59:59 346 3.6% 0.10972.1 KB 3.5% 0.27
Oct 13 09:00:00 - 09:59:59 439 4.5% 0.121.2 MB 4.2% 0.33
Oct 13 10:00:00 - 10:59:59 540 5.6% 0.151.4 MB 5.1% 0.40
Oct 13 11:00:00 - 11:59:59 556 5.7% 0.151.4 MB 5.1% 0.40
Oct 13 12:00:00 - 12:59:59 556 5.7% 0.151.5 MB 5.6% 0.44
Oct 13 13:00:00 - 13:59:59 511 5.3% 0.141.4 MB 5.1% 0.40
Oct 13 14:00:00 - 14:59:59 455 4.7% 0.131.3 MB 4.6% 0.36
Oct 13 15:00:00 - 15:59:59 564 5.8% 0.161.5 MB 5.5% 0.43
Oct 13 16:00:00 - 16:59:59 543 5.6% 0.151.6 MB 5.9% 0.46
Oct 13 17:00:00 - 17:59:59 608 6.3% 0.171.6 MB 6.0% 0.47
Oct 13 18:00:00 - 18:59:59 517 5.3% 0.141.4 MB 5.3% 0.41
Oct 13 19:00:00 - 19:59:59 456 4.7% 0.131.3 MB 4.8% 0.38
Oct 13 20:00:00 - 20:59:59 515 5.3% 0.141.5 MB 5.3% 0.41
Oct 13 21:00:00 - 21:59:59 425 4.4% 0.121.1 MB 4.1% 0.32
Oct 13 22:00:00 - 22:59:59 411 4.2% 0.111.2 MB 4.3% 0.34
Oct 13 23:00:00 - 23:59:59 371 3.8% 0.101.0 MB 3.8% 0.29
Oct 14 00:00:00 - 00:59:59 329 3.4% 0.09968.7 KB 3.4% 0.27
Oct 14 01:00:00 - 01:59:59 247 2.5% 0.07769.8 KB 2.7% 0.21
Oct 14 02:00:00 - 02:59:59 226 2.3% 0.06706.7 KB 2.5% 0.20
Oct 14 03:00:00 - 03:59:59 157 1.6% 0.04547.6 KB 1.9% 0.15
Oct 14 04:00:00 - 04:59:59 203 2.1% 0.06661.5 KB 2.4% 0.18
Oct 14 05:00:00 - 05:59:59 152 1.6% 0.04568.2 KB 2.0% 0.16
Oct 14 06:00:00 - 06:15:02 40 0.4% 0.04140.5 KB 0.5% 0.16
TOTAL: 24:00:00 9700 100.0% 0.1127.5 MB 100.0% 0.33
Incoming articles
Incoming articles (size)

CNFS buffer status:

ALT1M_ALT1000.0 MB976.7 MB 97.7% 2 0.02 521.48
ALTFR1M_ALTFR500.0 MB149.3 MB 29.9% 0 0.00 0.00
BIG1M_BIG82.0 GB733.9 MB 36.7% 15 0.20 120.83
BIG2M_BIG82.0 GB743.2 MB 37.2% 15 0.20 121.28
BIG3M_BIG82.0 GB416.5 MB 20.8% 12 0.20 121.31
BIN0M_BIN500.0 MB38.0 MB 7.6% 2 0.05 114.17
CTRL1M_CTRL100.0 MB84.2 MB 84.2% 24 0.03 46.31
EUROPE1M_EUR2.0 GB1.8 GB 91.6% 40 0.24 96.90
FR1M_FR2.0 GB469.6 MB 23.5% 2 0.00 0.00
FR2M_FR2.0 GB442.0 MB 22.1% 1 0.00 0.00
FREE1M_FREE1000.0 MB785.7 MB 78.6% 23 0.08 145.30
MAIL0M_MAIL500.0 MB202.6 MB 40.5% 27 0.02 347.22
MHUU1M_MHUU2.0 GB1.5 GB 75.2% 36 0.14 165.20
MHUU2M_MHUU2.0 GB1.5 GB 76.0% 27 0.14 172.69
MIC0M_MIC100.0 MB87.6 MB 87.6% 12 0.00 0.00
RUS1M_RUS2.0 GB1.9 GB 96.4% 8 0.05 454.58
TESTM_TEST500.0 MB153.9 MB 30.8% 29 0.03 230.05
TOTAL: 17-21.7 GB11.8 GB 54.3% 275 0.15-

Sites sending bad articles:

1news.nntp4.net 23325 152 0 0 0 0 177 022996
2paganini.nodns.local 10892 773 0 0 0 0 353 0 9766
3usenet.blueworldhosting.com 7595 386 0 0 0 01140 0 6069
4pasdenom-out.news.weretis.net 5513 0 0 0 0 02321 0 3192
5outgoing.news.lysator.liu.se 5368 0 0 0 0 0 50 0 5318
6feed.usenet-fr.net 3654 0 0 0 0 0 15 0 3639
7goja.nodns.local 3653 0 0 0 1 0 618 0 3034
8pasdenom-out.news.tnetconsulting.net 1697 0 0 0 0 0 13 0 1684
9news2-out.httrack.net 1442 244 0 0 0 0 331 0 867
10news.glou.org 397 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 397
11nntp.csiph.com 142 2 0 0 0 0 4 0 136
12obelix.gegeweb.org 91 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 91
13news.niel.me 39 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 39
14news.furie.org.uk 18 0 0 0 0 0 2 0 16
15nemoweb2.nodns.local 3 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 3
16localhost 2 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 2
TOTAL: 16 63831 1557 0 0 1 05024 057249

Unwanted newsgroups [Top 20]:

free.usenet 681
linux.kernel.netdev 297
kraft.politics 130
perl.cpan 104
fido7.pushkin.local 81
kraft.vehicles 59
linux.kernel.git 46
odessa.news 29
kraft.talks 20
fido7.ukrnews 19
kraft.competent 17
fido7.lorapvt.horo 12
kraft.video 10
fido7.starper.limited 8
fido7.f715.techinfo 7
kraft.travel 5
fr.petites-annonces.informatique.materiel 3
fido7.fidonet.online 3
kraft.blacklog 3
fido.pushkin.local 3
TOTAL: 34 1557

Supposedly-moderated groups with unmoderated postings [Top 20]:

christnet.bible 1
TOTAL: 1 1

Unwanted sites in Path [Top 20]:

reseller 4261
sewer 295
news.xsnews.nl 288
news.kpn.nl 180
TOTAL: 4 5024

INND Perl filter [Top 100]:

spam google? 36265
EMP (md5) 9687
EMP (phr nph) 4388
Subject (LSD) 2140
Subject (lSD) 663
Too many newsgroups 551
Too many newsgroups (low_xpost) 436
Scoring filter 273
Body (pills) 226
Body (slot thailand) 152
Binary: misplaced binary 138
Banned From (UFABET) 133
Subject (Link Alternatif) 108
Subject (Link_Alternatif) 95
Subject (LOVE SPELL) 60
EMP (phl) 46
EMP (phn path) 40
Subject (Buy Xanax) 40
Subject (Cytotec) 37
spam Bad Body : SPELLS (1) 32
Subject (BLACK MAGIC) 30
spam bad path : doctor 27
Subject (cytotec) 25
Banned From (ufabet) 23
Body (crystal meth) 23
Subject (CYTOTEC) 21
spam Bad Body : spams recurrents (1) 20
Subject (DEATH SPELL) 19
spam Bad Body 2 14
Subject (Buy Valium) 12
Subject (Order Ambien Online) 11
Banned From (tsbrueni) 11
Body (ativan online) 10
Subject (Black Magic) 9
Subject (Lovers Spell) 9
Subject (Lorazepam) 9
Banned From (plutonium.archimedes) 9
Subject (Order Adderall Online) 8
Subject (Love Spell) 8
Cancel of non-existing ID 8
Subject (Buy Oxycodone) 7
spam Spammeur habituel 4 7
spam Subject recurrent! 6
Subject (psychedelics) 6
Banned From (aminer68) 6
Banned From (nobody@dizum.com) 6
Subject (Order Tramadol Online) 5
Subject (UFABET) 5
Subject (DEATH_SPELL) 5
Subject (Buying Xanax) 5
Subject (black maGic) 5
Subject (black magic) 5
Subject (LOVER SPELL) 4
Subject (undetectable_counterfeit) 4
Subject (Death Spell) 4
Cancel refused 3
spam SEXE!(4) 3
Subject (link alternatif) 3
Body (lsd for sale) 3
spam Bad Body : SPELLS (2) 3
Subject (love spell) 3
Subject (pentobarbital) 3
Supersedes of non-existing ID 3
Subject (Buy Magic) 3
Body (ativan-online) 3
Subject (UFabet) 3
Banned From (FBInCIAnNSATerroristSlayer) 3
spam Escorts (caps) 3
Subject (SPELL CASTER) 3
Subject (Black magic) 2
Subject (buy magic) 2
Subject (Buy mushroom) 2
Subject (Buy Penis Envy Mushroom) 2
Subject (Order Ativan Online) 2
Subject (Link alternatif) 2
Body (datacamp.com/portfolio) 2
Subject (Local Girls) 2
Subject (Order Xanax Online) 2
Subject (Buy xanax) 2
Body (cocaine online) 2
Banned From (Ufabet) 2
Subject (Psilocybin Capsule) 2
Subject (Order Tramadol online) 1
Subject (BUY MAGIC) 1
Subject (Black mAgic) 1
hierarchy violation - crosspost outside sdnet 1
Subject (BUY NEMBUTAL) 1
Subject (WEED ONLINE) 1
Subject (buy Xanax) 1
Subject (Order Ambien-5mg Online) 1
Subject (Order Addeall Online) 1
Subject (Death_Spell) 1
Subject (buy psilocybin mushroom) 1
spam Bad Body : spam drogues (2) 1
Subject (Purchase Xanax) 1
TOTAL: 149 56203

NoCeM on Spool:

TOTAL: 1390149149

Miscellaneous innd statistics [Top 10]:

Huge articles
outgoing.news.lysator.liu.se 322
news.nntp4.net 146
usenet.blueworldhosting.com 128
pasdenom-out.news.weretis.net 103
feed.usenet-fr.net 98
obelix.gegeweb.org 82
paganini.nodns.local 39
goja.nodns.local 38
pasdenom-out.news.tnetconsulting.net 22
news.glou.org 18
TOTAL: 13 1003
TOTAL: 1 1003

Outgoing Feeds (innfeed) by Articles:

1backup 16957 16604 7 326 285 3944 97%23:58:16
2tsukuba 5119 4778 170 0 0 0 93%23:58:16
3lysator 11567 3957 5469 3 7 2 34%23:58:16
4bete-des-vosges 1674 1503 1 169 0 0 89%23:56:32
5izac 852 849 0 2 0 0 99%22:21:23
6httrack 10193 758 8432 99 5 0 7%23:58:16
7furie 9001 677 5753 13 4 1 7%23:58:16
8birotanews 599 593 3 0 0 0 98%19:35:20
9csiph 15000 357 8076 28 0 8 2%23:58:16
10tnet 16341 250 9165 81 0 5 1%23:58:16
11bwh 13550 236 8594 1 0 2021 1%23:58:15
12goja 8399 234 8050 1 0 0 2%23:58:16
13glou 5471 227 5152 3 0 0 4%23:58:16
14linuxd 7156 223 5921 0 0 0 3%23:58:16
15gegeweb 5301 186 5099 4 0 0 3%23:58:16
16niel.me 6145 186 5313 35 0 0 3%23:58:16
17nntp4 9376 184 8994 22 0 0 1%23:58:16
18weretis.net 5161 176 4929 0 0 0 3%23:58:16
19usenet-fr 4940 160 4724 42 0 0 3%23:58:16
20ortolo 0 0 0 0 0 5848 0%23:58:16
TOTAL: 20 152802 32138 93852 829 301 11829 21%473:23:46
Outgoing feeds (innfeed) by Articles

Outgoing Feeds (innfeed) by Volume:

1backup48.9 MB776.4 KB49.6 MB0.6 KB/s3.0 KB23:58:16
2tsukuba14.2 MB0.0 KB14.2 MB0.2 KB/s3.0 KB23:58:16
3lysator10.4 MB3.5 KB10.4 MB0.1 KB/s2.7 KB23:58:16
4bete-des-vosges3.9 MB382.8 KB4.3 MB0.1 KB/s2.6 KB23:56:32
5httrack2.1 MB183.3 KB2.2 MB0.0 KB/s2.7 KB23:58:16
6izac1.9 MB2.4 KB1.9 MB0.0 KB/s2.3 KB22:21:23
7furie1.9 MB26.1 KB1.9 MB0.0 KB/s2.8 KB23:58:16
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Outgoing feeds (innfeed) by Volume

Backlog files shrunk by innfeed:

ortolo309.3 KB
TOTAL: 1309.3 KB

NNRP readership statistics:

1newsportal.pasdenom.info8598 707819.1 MB 7076 0 001:51:29
2astlambert-652-1-123-249.w90-62.abo.wanadoo.fr 18 873868.1 KB 28 2 000:08:20
382-64-219-111.subs.proxad.net 7 255465.6 KB 41 0 000:01:18
4arcadix.user.local 81 142278.4 KB 70 0 002:20:24
5lfbn-ren-1-307-60.w2-10.abo.wanadoo.fr 9 72169.1 KB 20 2 000:01:18
62a01:e34:ecb6:4110:19c3:bebe:a94c:424 24 57125.5 KB 12 2 079:02:37
7aorleans-651-1-231-78.w90-20.abo.wanadoo.fr 88 57111.9 KB 33 0 000:14:41
82a01:e0a:21:ea80:e8d4:b3a2:6303:6d9 38 4578.4 KB 22 1 405:57:27
985-218-22-214.dclient.lsne.ch 7 3170.2 KB 10 0 000:00:38
102a01:e0a:21:ea80:91eb:e2e5:e561:d5f9 5 1936.5 KB 10 0 002:41:38
112a01:e0a:472:70f0:884e:8f28:15:c44d 10 1725.8 KB 7 0 017:47:31
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13amontpellier-655-1-267-107.w90-28.abo.wanadoo.fr 9 1117.0 KB 6 2 000:35:46
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16backup.pasdenom.info 13 56.5 KB 5 2 000:00:10
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182a01:e0a:d58:7a0:510:a150:e8f2:1e7e 2 35.7 KB 2 0 000:40:59
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2049.228.40.72 15 00.0 KB 0 2 006:13:12
21localhost 39 00.0 KB 0 39 000:00:28
TOTAL: 218977 870121.4 MB 7356 63 4176:56:49

NNRP readership statistics (by domain):

1*.pasdenom.info8611 708319.1 MB 7081 2 001:51:40
2*.w90-62.abo.wanadoo.fr 18 873868.1 KB 28 2 000:08:20
3*.subs.proxad.net 7 255465.6 KB 41 0 000:01:18
4? 143 177346.7 KB 67 53 4119:16:34
5*.user.local 81 142278.4 KB 70 0 002:20:24
6*.w2-10.abo.wanadoo.fr 9 72169.1 KB 20 2 000:01:18
7*.w90-20.abo.wanadoo.fr 88 57111.9 KB 33 0 000:14:41
8*.dclient.lsne.ch 7 3170.2 KB 10 0 000:00:38
9*.w90-28.abo.wanadoo.fr 9 1117.0 KB 6 2 000:35:46
10unresolved 24 00.0 KB 0 2 006:13:25
11*.ch1.censys-scanner.com 18 00.0 KB 0 0 000:09:08
12*.w90-8.abo.wanadoo.fr 92 00.0 KB 0 0 046:03:29
13*.scan.bufferover.run 1 00.0 KB 0 0 000:00:01
14*.ip.linodeusercontent.com 1 00.0 KB 0 0 000:00:01
TOTAL: 149109 870121.4 MB 7356 63 4176:56:49

NNRP total resource statistics [Top 20]:

2a01:e34:ecb6:4110:19c3:bebe:a94c:424 14.409 3.377 0.17979:02:37
amarseille-552-1-254-7.w90-8.abo.wanadoo.fr 35.384 6.503 1.15446:03:29
2a01:e0a:472:70f0:884e:8f28:15:c44d 4.593 0.513 0.11617:47:31 5.592 1.119 0.15406:13:12
2a01:e0a:21:ea80:e8d4:b3a2:6303:6d9 19.262 2.448 0.43805:57:27
2a01:e0a:472:70f0:ddf4:c70a:fd8a:9244 1.676 0.140 0.04603:41:27
2a01:e0a:d58:7a0:f104:7e50:db1b:a624 2.223 0.333 0.05003:25:02
2a01:e0a:21:ea80:91eb:e2e5:e561:d5f9 6.772 1.497 0.05702:41:38
arcadix.user.local 39.376 5.792 0.89102:20:24
2a01:e0a:21:ea80:c98d:edc1:cf77:f818 3.743 1.064 0.06502:11:08
newsportal.pasdenom.info 3606.296 549.761 0.00001:51:29
2a01:e0a:21:ea80:bf94:210c:610e:fa0b 1.403 0.291 0.02401:37:13
2a01:e0a:d58:7a0:3494:d67c:d04c:be0c 0.996 0.148 0.02701:11:20
2a01:e0a:d58:7a0:892b:ff32:2786:f0d2 0.616 0.070 0.01100:46:07
2a01:e0a:d58:7a0:510:a150:e8f2:1e7e 1.065 0.182 0.02200:40:59
amontpellier-655-1-267-107.w90-28.abo.wanadoo.fr 4.727 0.356 0.09700:35:46
aorleans-651-1-231-78.w90-20.abo.wanadoo.fr 39.208 4.951 0.97100:14:41
2a02:1210:6aec:e400:9993:674f:a57d:a882 2.534 0.181 0.04800:13:31
astlambert-652-1-123-249.w90-62.abo.wanadoo.fr 10.457 2.539 0.20100:08:20
scanner-25.ch1.censys-scanner.com 1.899 0.183 0.00000:02:32
TOTAL: 40 3845.449 588.264 4.807176:56:49

Curious NNRP server explorers [Top 20]:

amarseille-552-1-254-7.w90-8.abo.wanadoo.fr 92
2a01:e0a:21:ea80:c98d:edc1:cf77:f818 6
scanner-25.ch1.censys-scanner.com 5
2a01:e0a:472:70f0:ddf4:c70a:fd8a:9244 4
scanner-06.ch1.censys-scanner.com 4 3
scanner-29.ch1.censys-scanner.com 3
scanner-07.ch1.censys-scanner.com 2 2
scanner-05.ch1.censys-scanner.com 1
scanner-09.ch1.censys-scanner.com 1 1 1
athens.scan.bufferover.run 1
2405:9800:bcc0:497:44ad:2135:e773:4b90 1 1 1
scanner-08.ch1.censys-scanner.com 1
scanner-26.ch1.censys-scanner.com 1
192-155-88-231.ip.linodeusercontent.com 1
TOTAL: 20 132

NNRP gethostbyaddr failures [Top 20]:

? (can't getpeername) 9
TOTAL: 1 9

NNRP client timeouts [Top 20]:

amarseille-552-1-254-7.w90-8.abo.wanadoo.fr 92 0
2a01:e34:ecb6:4110:19c3:bebe:a94c:424 20 11
arcadix.user.local 3 0
2a01:e0a:21:ea80:91eb:e2e5:e561:d5f9 3 0
2a01:e0a:21:ea80:bf94:210c:610e:fa0b 2 0
2a01:e0a:21:ea80:c98d:edc1:cf77:f818 2 0
2a01:e0a:21:ea80:e8d4:b3a2:6303:6d9 1 0 1 0
newsportal.pasdenom.info 1 1
2a01:e0a:d58:7a0:3494:d67c:d04c:be0c 1 0
2a01:e0a:d58:7a0:f104:7e50:db1b:a624 1 0
TOTAL: 11 127 12

Newsgroup request counts (by category):

1fr 3266 37.5%
2alt 970 11.1%
3control 833 9.6%
4comp 750 8.6%
5rec 703 8.1%
6uk 457 5.3%
7sci 353 4.1%
8nemo 174 2.0%
9local 166 1.9%
10aus 156 1.8%
11news 140 1.6%
12mozilla 134 1.5%
13talk 133 1.5%
14edm 95 1.1%
15soc 77 0.9%
16misc 49 0.6%
17free 43 0.5%
18de 41 0.5%
19or 25 0.3%
20it 22 0.3%
21can 18 0.2%
22pl 12 0.1%
23nl 11 0.1%
24linux 9 0.1%
25ger 8 0.1%
26cn 6 0.1%
27chi 6 0.1%
28rocksolid 5 0.1%
29eternal-september 3 0.0%
30nz 2 0.0%
31la 2 0.0%
32van 2 0.0%
33pa 2 0.0%
34panix 2 0.0%
35oc 2 0.0%
36us 2 0.0%
3724hoursupport 2 0.0%
38wi 2 0.0%
39sac 2 0.0%
40ca 2 0.0%
41oh 2 0.0%
42stl 1 0.0%
43tn 1 0.0%
44school 1 0.0%
45dk 1 0.0%
46be 1 0.0%
47humanityquest 1 0.0%
48ne 1 0.0%
49co 1 0.0%
50triangle 1 0.0%
51tor 1 0.0%
52nf 1 0.0%
TOTAL: 52 8700100.0%

Newsgroup request counts (by newsgroup) [Top 200]:

1control.cancel 833
2uk.d-i-y 281
3fr.bienvenue 226
4alt.atheism 201
5comp.os.vms 192
6fr.comp.os.mac-os.x 167
7fr.misc.actualite.covid19 161
8fr.lettres.langue.francaise 158
9rec.gambling.poker 143
10aus.cars 137
11fr.usenet.distribution 131
12talk.politics.guns 120
13alt.fan.rush-limbaugh 119
14fr.usenet.abus.d 117
15fr.soc.environnement 116
16comp.sys.raspberry-pi 115
17fr.bio.medecine 105
18rec.sport.tennis 100
19edm.general 95
20sci.logic 95
21uk.rec.sheds 91
22fr.sci.zetetique 90
23alt.christnet.christianlife 89
24fr.soc.politique 87
25fr.comp.os.linux.configuration 86
26local.test 85
27fr.soc.religion 84
28mozilla.support.seamonkey 82
29fr.comp.sys.atari 82
30rec.arts.drwho 81
31nemo.dev.passerelle 79
32sci.physics.relativity 78
33fr.rec.photo.materiel 76
34local.general 72
35sci.electronics.design 71
36fr.rec.photo 69
37comp.os.linux.advocacy 69
38rec.food.cooking 63
39fr.sci.physique 62
40fr.sci.astronomie 61
41fr.rec.bricolage 58
42fr.rec.moto 57
43rec.arts.sf.written 56
44fr.comp.usenet.lecteurs-de-news 54
45fr.test 52
46soc.penpals 51
47news.software.readers 49
48sci.math 48
49fr.comp.sys.mac.communication 45
50comp.text.tex 44
51comp.unix.shell 44
52comp.theory 42
53fr.misc.securite.routiere 42
54comp.lang.c++ 41
55fr.rec.sport.football 41
56fr.usenet.forums.evolution 40
57fr.rec.aviation 39
58alt.buddha.short.fat.guy 37
59alt.slack.goathead 37
60rec.photo.digital 37
61alt.recovery.aa 37
62rec.arts.poems 36
63fr.sci.electronique 35
64fr.rec.jardinage 32
65fr.comp.sys.iphone 32
66fr.sci.geosciences 31
67fr.comp.usenet.serveurs 31
68news.admin.net-abuse.usenet 31
69free.spam 30
70uk.telecom.broadband 29
71mozilla.general 29
72fr.misc.droit 29
73fr.sci.maths 27
74fr.rec.radio 27
75fr.rec.humour 27
76news.groups.proposals 26
77nemo.abuse 26
78fr.lettres.langue.anglaise 26
79fr.comp.sys.mac.materiel 26
80or.politics 25
81fr.soc.economie 24
82comp.os.linux.misc 24
83rec.autos.tech 23
84fr.comp.os.android 23
85fr.comp.mail 23
86alt.biology 22
87comp.sys.mac.advocacy 22
88comp.mobile.android 22
89fr.comp.sys.mac.programmation 21
90rec.sport.golf 21
91fr.comp.sys.mac 21
92fr.misc.engueulades 21
93fr.comp.sys.raspberry-pi 21
94alt.os.linux 20
95nemo.bavardages 20
96alt.security.neighborhood 20
97alt.satanism 20
98sci.physics 20
99misc.phone.mobile.iphone 19
100fr.usenet.abus.rapports 19
101fr.soc.complots 19
102comp.lang.c 18
103nemo.dev.client 18
104can.politics 17
105fr.rec.tv.programmes 16
106alt.support.depression 16
107rec.arts.tv 16
108fr.comp.ordinosaures 15
109fr.rec.philatelie 15
110fr.comp.os.ms-windows 15
111misc.news.internet.discuss 15
112uk.telecom.mobile 14
113rec.outdoors.rv-travel 14
114fr.misc.finance 14
115alt.religion.christianity 14
116aus.politics 13
117rec.sport.pro-wrestling 13
118comp.sys.mac.system 13
119mozilla.dev.apps.seamonkey 13
120rec.aviation.military 13
121fr.comp.os.linux.debats 13
122fr.misc.bavardages.linux 13
123fr.misc.automoto.mecanique 13
124nemo.aide 12
125fr.sci.biologie 12
126fr.rec.arts.musique.classique 12
127pl.soc.prawo 12
128fr.rec.sport.equitation 12
129soc.history.war.misc 12
130fr.comp.lang.python 11
131fr.misc.droit.internet 11
132comp.mobile.ipad 11
133rec.arts.comics.strips 11
134alt.bible 11
135uk.sci.weather 10
136alt.checkmate 10
137comp.ai.philosophy 10
138news.admin.peering 10
139rec.sport.soccer 10
140comp.lang.prolog 10
141alt.support.diabetes 9
142fr.soc.sectes 9
143alt.healing.reiki 9
144uk.tech.broadcast 9
145rec.sport.football.college 9
146fr.misc.militaire 9
147talk.politics.misc 9
148news.lists.filters 9
149fr.rec.genealogie 9
150de.rec.motorrad 9
151alt.home.repair 8
152comp.lang.fortran 8
153local.spam.fr 8
154alt.sixtyplus 8
155ger.ct 8
156fr.misc.automobile.electrique 8
157misc.test 8
158fr.usenet.usages 8
159alt.guitar.amps 8
160rec.music.dylan 8
161fr.comp.musique 7
162sci.electronics.repair 7
163comp.sys.apple2 7
164news.software.nntp 7
165uk.media.radio.archers 7
166fr.comp.lang.ada 7
167nemo.test2 7
168fr.rec.tv.terrestre 7
169alt.business 7
170sci.lang 7
171comp.misc 7
172alt.war.vietnam 7
173mozilla.support.thunderbird 7
174fr.misc.handicap 7
175alt.1d 7
176comp.unix.programmer 7
177fr.comp.lang.regexp 6
178fr.soc.histoire 6
179alt.comp.os.windows-10 6
180rec.bicycles.tech 6
181chi.general 6
182fr.comp.emulateurs 6
183nemo.test 6
184cn.comp 6
185fr.rec.arts.sf 6
186alt.religion.satanism 6
187alt.computer.workshop 6
188it.istruzione.scuola 6
189alt.russian.z1 6
190fr.sci.techniques.energies 5
191alt.religion.mormon 5
192alt.fan.usenet 5
193fr.comp.infosystemes.www.navigateurs 5
194soc.history.medieval 5
195fr.comp.applications.emacs 5
196de.talk.jokes 5
197rocksolid.shared.encryption 5
198nemo.dev.serveur 5
199alt.survival 5
200alt.politics.economics 5
TOTAL: 537 8700